Dental cleanings under anesthesia are the gold standard of veterinary dentistry. However, there are instances in which anesthesia can be avoided. At Green Dog we offer BOTH non-anesthetic as well as anesthetic dental cleanings depending on your pet's needs.
Our non-anesthetic dentals are performed while your pet is awake. Therefore, we strive to create a fear-free, stress-free environment for all our patients. We believe that the experience for each pet begins at the door, that is why our focus is to make sure your pet feels comfortable and safe, so there is a lot of touching, cuddling and socializing prior to beginning the procedure.
The Green Dog Dental is composed of a four step process:
- First: Comprehensive Veterinary Dental Exam
- We begin with a comprehensive veterinary dental exam to determine if your pet is a good candidate for the non-anesthetic dental cleaning. Pets are taken to the treatment area and given a veterinary exam, they are then gently placed on their side while we perform a complete oral exam with full dental charting. If it is determined that your pet is not a candidate for a Green Dog Dental, our on-site veterinarian will discuss those findings and options with you.
- Second: Dental Scaling & Polishing
- Under veterinary supervision, your pet will receive a thorough dental scaling of the buccal and lingual surfaces, going beneath the gumlines, using a combination of ultrasonic (water tipped) and hand scaling techniques. Lastly, each procedure finishes with a dental polish, which helps slow plaque accumulation and tartar buildup.
- Third: Private Veterinary Consultation
- Each client receives a private consultation with our veterinarian at the end of the exam/cleaning to discuss all of the findings and recommendations as well as address any additional health concerns.
- Fourth: Dental & Healthcare Plan
- Each patient has is given an individual assessment regarding their overall health as well as when they return for their next dental cleaning, and information regarding at home care.
Dog Advanced Procedures - Dog Dental Cleanings And Advanced Procedures
Dr. Candice Habawel
Green Dog Dental
Why does my pet need dental cleanings?
Dogs and cats, just like humans, have teeth that accumulate plaque. Plaque is a biofilm of bacteria that can build up tartar and calculus, allowing bacteria to get underneath the gum line and cause periodontal disease. It's essential to remove plaque to prevent and treat infection for mild cases of periodontal disease.
What is a Green Dog Dental?
A Green Dog Dental is our version of a dental cleaning procedure. It involves a thorough physical exam, a comprehensive oral exam with dental charting, and dental scaling and polishing. This procedure is not just a normal grooming routine; it is a preventative measure and treatment for mild cases of periodontal disease. However, not all patients are good candidates for the Green Dog Dental, and some may require an advanced procedure, such as those with loose or broken teeth, inflammation in the gums, or discolored teeth.
What is an advanced procedure?
An advanced procedure is a sedated or anesthetized outpatient procedure.
Why does my pet need to be sedated or anesthetized for an advanced procedure?
This is necessary for taking diagnostic images, such as dental radiographs, which require the patient to be sedated or anesthetized to obtain high-quality, full-mouth dental radiographs.
Why does my pet need dental radiographs?
Dental radiographs are essential for diagnosing and treating dental disease and are the standard of care in veterinary dentistry.
What’s the difference between an oral examination and dental radiographs?
An oral examination is essentially an initial assessment. It is a very subjective way of determining abnormalities in the mouth. In contrast, dental radiographs allow veterinarians to see structures underneath the gum line, including the roots and jawbone, which cannot be seen during an oral examination, as it limits us to seeing the crowns of the teeth and the gum tissue.
Do dental radiographs expose my pet to radiation?
Yes, but the exposure is minimal and has been shown to be at the same level as the sun's radiation.
Are there any other requirements that I need to know before bringing my pet in for an advanced procedure?
Yes, blood work is required within 60 days of the appointment to ensure that the pet's organ function is good, platelet count is normal, and the pet is healthy enough to undergo a sedated procedure.
How will I know if my pet needs any surgical procedure?
During the advanced procedure, the veterinarian will perform a physical exam and an oral exam, and if everything looks good, we place an IV catheter before starting sedation and anesthesia. We then take dental x-rays and the veterinarian will interpret them. The treatment plan and recommendations will be based on the findings from these assessments. The veterinarian will discuss the findings and treatment plan with the pet owner, and the recommended treatments will only proceed with the owner's approval. The assessment process alone already does a lot for the pet in that it unveils the problem and gives us a good starting point to find the appropriate treatment.
Is there a long or hard recovery time for my pet after these advanced procedures?
Recovery is usually quick after the procedure. Pets may be a bit loopy or act "drunk" the night of the procedure due to sedation or anesthesia, but they typically return to normal behavior and eating by the next day. For pets who have undergone extractions or endodontics, they will be sent home with appropriate medications to keep them comfortable, but they will typically start eating the next day.
Walk me through exactly the full process of an advanced procedure if we agree to everything that the doctor recommends.
On the day of the appointment, you'll drop off your pet between 8 and 10 in the morning. After checking in, the veterinarian will perform a physical exam, review the blood work, and go over medical records. Once everything is checked, they'll place an IV catheter and begin sedation or anesthesia. Dental x-rays will be taken, and while the veterinarian interprets them, a technician will start the dental cleaning. This dental cleaning is generally viewed as a pre-surgical cleaning because some form of treatment may be needed. The veterinarian will then call the pet owner to discuss findings and treatment recommendations. If the owner approves, the treatment will proceed as soon as the call ends.
Are there other requirements for my pet before an advanced procedure?
Yes, we require pre-screening blood work to ensure the pet is healthy. Blood work will test their kidney values, liver values, platelet count, and any signs of anemia. For pets with undiagnosed heart conditions, we may recommend x-rays or a consultation with a cardiologist to ensure it's safe for them to be sedated or anesthetized. If there are any underlying conditions or blood work abnormalities, we will normally treat that first before undergoing an advanced procedure.
If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (310) 606-2407, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media https://www.facebook.com/GreenDogDental/, https://www.instagram.com/greendogdentalvet/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=search